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Transforming Enterprise Printing: Celiveo 365 Enhances Microsoft Universal Print

In today’s digital-first environment, many organizations are striving to streamline operations and move towards *driverless printing*. If you’re seeking to eliminate print servers and leverage cloud-based solutions, the combination of Microsoft Universal Print and Celiveo 365 emerges as a robust option. However, it’s essential to note that while Microsoft Universal Print offers a solid cloud print infrastructure, it inherently lacks several advanced functionalities and effective printer fleet management capabilities.

The Innate Gaps in Microsoft Universal Print

Although Microsoft Universal Print serves as an excellent platform to transition to cloud-based printing, organizations must be aware of its shortcomings. Key functionalities such as comprehensive analytics, secure print release, detailed print rules, and easy fleet management are often demanded but not naturally provided. This gap can be a stepping stone to inefficiencies and hidden costs, making it vital for enterprises to seek supplementary solutions.

Driverless Printing Made Better

*Driverless printing* is undoubtedly a game-changer, but the operational reality is that without a comprehensive management system, it can lead to unforeseen challenges. The integration of Celiveo 365 addresses this, ensuring seamless and secure *driverless printing* experiences across the entire organization. From user authentication to detailed usage reports, Celiveo 365 empowers IT admins to maintain control and security without the backend complexities.

Celiveo 365: The Perfect Complement

Rather than considering Microsoft Universal Print as a standalone solution, integrating it with Celiveo 365 can significantly enhance its capabilities. By doing so, organizations are equipped to manage their printer fleets efficiently and securely without the necessity to eliminate print servers completely. Celiveo 365 introduces a plethora of advanced features:

  • Secure Print Release: Prevent unauthorized access by ensuring that documents are only released to the intended recipient.
  • Detailed Analytics: Gain insights into usage patterns, helping to optimize costs and resources.
  • Efficient Printer Fleet Management: Simplify the administration of printer fleets, including user permissions and deployment configurations.

Ease Printer Fleet Management

Extended from Microsoft Universal Print, Celiveo 365 greatly simplifies printer fleet management. This encompasses everything from automated deployments to real-time monitoring, ensuring that IT departments are not overwhelmed by mundane tasks. Managing a large fleet can be a daunting task; Celiveo 365 removes these barriers, providing a streamlined approach that enhances productivity and reduces operational strain.


Read more about driverless printing here.

The move to cloud-based printing is indeed a promising shift, with Microsoft Universal Print laying the foundation. Nevertheless, for a comprehensive and secure solution, integrating Celiveo 365 elevates the experience by filling the notable gaps in Microsoft Universal Print’s native capabilities. Whether aiming to eliminate print servers or to achieve driverless printing excellence, Celiveo 365 stands as an indispensable companion to Microsoft Universal Print. Explore more about how Celiveo 365 for Microsoft Universal Print can revolutionize your print management here.

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